Thank, Janis: it feels essential to find the project that one one can wholeheartedly work on!!!

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This really resonated with me, so thank you. I have felt the same way about certain photography projects or photography in general at times. It seems we have been conditioned to push through, when what we might need to do is simply set things aside or move on to something else. I suppose it all comes down to the intent behind the decision we end up making.

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As always, what you write is so true…and apparently what I need to read. Thank you again. Whatever, please don’t stop writing. I and others need to read/hear what you have to say.

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You’re an amazing writer. What you write I will read. You’re also a wonderful teacher. I’m trying to write, but I’m mostly a reader. Please keep on going and know we’ve all been through unprecedented times when focus gets smacked around like a badminton bird.

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